The EasyCoreMat type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AddChannel |
Adds a channel to the list of possible channels. Channel should be already initialized and set.
| |
AddGroup |
This adds a channelgroup to the list of possible channelgroups. Group should already be initialized
| |
AddImageProcessor |
After the image is aquired, a imageprocessor can handle it before it is displayed or saved. Imageprocessors are performed in the order that they are added
| |
AddThreadToPool |
Allows all threads to be stopped when the program is stopped.
| |
ClearDevices |
This clears the list of all active devices as well as clearing the active devices from micromanager
| |
ConvertStrVectortoArray |
A convience method for working with CMMCore or the micromanager adapter
| |
DoForcedSave |
forces viewer to save currently displayed image
| |
Equals | (Inherited from Object.) | |
Finalize |
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.) | |
GetAllChannelNames | ||
GetAllDeviceAdapters |
Returns a list of all the possible Device Adapters from a library on micromanager core
| |
GetAllDeviceGUIs |
Returns a list of all the possible device GUI Assemblies
| |
GetAllGroupNames | ||
GetAllLoadedDeviceNames |
Gets a list of all the possible Device names
| |
GetChannel | ||
GetChannelGroup | ||
GetDevice | ||
GetDeviceGUI |
Takes the GUI name of a loaded assembly and returns the GUI object
| |
GetDevicesFromLibrary |
Returns a list of all the device adapters in a particular library
| |
GetHashCode |
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.) | |
GetLoadedDeviceNames | ||
GetLoadedDevices | ||
GetType |
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.) | |
GetViewerNames |
A list of the possible viewer plugins
| |
GetViewerObject |
Starts a viewer plugin from the type name, Use GetViewerNames() to get a list of possible plugins
| |
ImageProcessorNameList |
Gets ordered names of all image processors in list
| |
ImageProcessorsList |
Full Image processor list. Manipulation should be done
| |
InsertImageProcessor |
Allows you to change the order of processor steps
| |
LoadFullConfigFile |
Loads a device configuration file
| |
LogErrorMessage |
A Convience method to log error messages
| |
LogMessage |
A convience method to put a message in the whole log
| |
MemberwiseClone |
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.) | |
PaintSurface | Overloaded. | |
RegisterDevice |
Registers a device with EasyCore. This allows the greatest power.
| |
RemoveImageProcessor |
Removes names processor from list and collapses list
| |
RunChannelAcquisition |
Primary acquisition method. This will work for 2D aquisition
| |
RunZStackAcquisition |
Stack acquisition method.
| |
SaveConfigFile |
Saves the current configuration of the system to the defined file.
| |
StartCore | Overloaded. | |
StartCoreCore | Overloaded. | |
StartCoreOnlyDevice |
Starts a device only on the micromanager core. This does not notify EasyCore of the event.
| |
StopAcquisition |
sends a stop signal to all acquisition processes.
| |
StopCore |
Used for shut down. Will close all the devices and the core
| |
ToString | (Inherited from Object.) | |
UpdatePaintSurface | Overloaded. |