The ScanningConfocalCamera type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
ScanningConfocalCamera | Overloaded. |
Name | Description | |
BuildPropertyList |
This is used from the startup scripts to build the propertylist without using the
default propertylist
(Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
ClearPropBuffer |
Runs all device property change requests that have been made since the device was declared busy.
(Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
ClearROI | (Inherited from Camera.) | |
DoHistogram |
Send histogram out to whatever LUT monitors are attached
(Inherited from Camera.) | |
EndSequence | (Overrides Camera..::.EndSequence()()().) | |
Equals | (Inherited from Object.) | |
Finalize |
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.) | |
GetAllDeviceProperties |
Returns active property list for this device. Values autoupdate and produce an event to ensure all users have the same value
(Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
GetBlockingSequenceFrame | (Overrides Camera..::.GetBlockingSequenceFrame(Double).) | |
GetDevicePropertyInfo |
Gets active information from each single property value for this device. Values autoupdate and produce an event to ensure all users have the same value
(Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
GetDevicePropertyInfoDetails |
Custom handling of a few properties that are essential for the scanning. Base class handles all the normal stuff
(Overrides MMDeviceBase..::.GetDevicePropertyInfoDetails(String, String%, Boolean%, Double%, Double%, PropertyType%, Boolean%, Boolean%, array<String>[]()[]%).) | |
GetDevicePropertyNames |
Gets a list of all the property names possible for this device.
(Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
GetDevicePropertyValue |
Custom handling of a few properties that are essential for the scanning. Base class handles all the normal stuff
(Overrides MMDeviceBase..::.GetDevicePropertyValue(String).) | |
GetDevicePropertyValues |
Gets a snapshot of all the device properties and their current values
(Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
GetExposure |
Gets exposure of offical camera (will be fixed later to be exposure of this camera)
(Inherited from Camera.) | |
GetHashCode |
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.) | |
GetROI | (Inherited from Camera.) | |
GetSequenceFrame | (Overrides Camera..::.GetSequenceFrame()()().) | |
GetType |
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.) | |
InitializePropertyList |
Adds custom properties to the property list and then uses the base class to finish up
(Overrides MMDeviceBase..::.InitializePropertyList(Boolean).) | |
MakeOffical |
Designates this as the main or official camera of system
(Inherited from Camera.) | |
MemberwiseClone |
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.) | |
pi_OnPropValueSet |
Receives notification that the value has been updated
(Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
PropertyIsSaveable |
Determines if a device property has been marked as needing to be saved
(Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
RunCommand |
This runs a CommandState command. This is used to change a property value, or can be a custom command for this device
(Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
SetContrast |
this is used for setting the contrast on movies and other tiems where the contrast does not change much, but speed is essential.
(Inherited from Camera.) | |
SetCore | Overloaded. | |
SetDeviceProperty |
Custom handling of a few properties that are essential for the scanning. Base class handles all the normal stuff
(Overrides MMDeviceBase..::.SetDeviceProperty(String, String).) | |
SetExposure |
Sets exposure of offical camera
(Inherited from Camera.) | |
SetPropUI |
Connects the default property listing GUI to this device. The properties are automatically loaded into the prop list.
(Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
SetROI | (Inherited from Camera.) | |
SnapFrame |
Builds an image by scanning the stage.
(Overrides Camera..::.SnapFrame()()().) | |
SnapOneFrame |
A convience method that can get an image from SnapFrame, adjust the contrast and then display image
(Inherited from Camera.) | |
StartFocusMovie |
Begins a independant thread that continously aquires images from the camera and displays them in the viewer.
(Inherited from Camera.) | |
StartSequence | (Overrides Camera..::.StartSequence(Int32, Double, Boolean).) | |
StopDevice |
Close this device for quiting. Will try to stop a focus movie and sequence
(Inherited from Camera.) | |
StopFocusMovie |
Stops the focus movie, if it has been started
(Inherited from Camera.) | |
ToString | (Inherited from Object.) |
Name | Description | |
AllProperties | (Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
core | (Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
DeviceBusy |
This should be set when the device should not be interupped
such as the stage being in motion, or an expose has started
(Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
DeviceName | (Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
DisplaySequenceFrames | (Inherited from Camera.) | |
ECore | (Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
FocusThread | (Inherited from Camera.) | |
LastImageHolder | (Inherited from Camera.) | |
LibDeviceName | (Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
LibraryName | (Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
PausedFocus | (Inherited from Camera.) | |
PropBuffer | (Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) |
Name | Description | |
deviceName |
All devices should be given a name, but it does not have to be unique
(Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
DoImagePreview |
Camera will update Viewer with partial image as it is built
| |
Ecore | (Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
GuiPersistenceProperties |
Notifications to the GUI on how it should behave. This is very important for those devices that are virtual, (especially scripts.)
(Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
LastImage |
The last image that was aquired with this camera
(Inherited from Camera.) | |
SaveableProperties |
Some device properties are not saved from one session to the next
This gives a list of those properties that the user defined as needing to be saved
(Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
ScreenSize_um | (Overrides Camera..::.ScreenSize_um.) |
Name | Description | |
OnHistogram | (Inherited from Camera.) |