The NormalCamera type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
BuildPropertyList |
This is used from the startup scripts to build the propertylist without using the
default propertylist
(Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
ClearPropBuffer |
Runs all device property change requests that have been made since the device was declared busy.
(Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
ClearROI | (Inherited from Camera.) | |
DoHistogram |
Send histogram out to whatever LUT monitors are attached
(Inherited from Camera.) | |
EndSequence |
Forces the camera out of streaming mode
(Overrides Camera..::.EndSequence()()().) | |
Equals | (Inherited from Object.) | |
Finalize |
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.) | |
GetAllDeviceProperties |
Returns active property list for this device. Values autoupdate and produce an event to ensure all users have the same value
(Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
GetBlockingSequenceFrame |
Waits for the camera to pull a new frame
(Overrides Camera..::.GetBlockingSequenceFrame(Double).) | |
GetDevicePropertyInfo |
Gets active information from each single property value for this device. Values autoupdate and produce an event to ensure all users have the same value
(Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
GetDevicePropertyInfoDetails |
Returns all the gory details about the property given in propname
(Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
GetDevicePropertyNames |
Gets a list of all the property names possible for this device.
(Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
GetDevicePropertyValue |
Gets the value of the device property directly from Micromanager or whatever is the source
(Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
GetDevicePropertyValues |
Gets a snapshot of all the device properties and their current values
(Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
GetExposure |
Gets exposure of offical camera (will be fixed later to be exposure of this camera)
(Inherited from Camera.) | |
GetHashCode |
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.) | |
GetROI | (Inherited from Camera.) | |
GetSequenceFrame |
Returns a frame if the camera has produces one, otherwise returns null
(Overrides Camera..::.GetSequenceFrame()()().) | |
GetType |
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.) | |
InitializePropertyList |
This builds the device property list. It must be called before the device does anything. Setting clear properties to false allows the
device adapter or user to build the property list in several steps. This is useful for devices that have both real micromanager properties as well as
virtual properties such as the function generators
(Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
MakeOffical |
Designates this as the main or official camera of system
(Inherited from Camera.) | |
MemberwiseClone |
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.) | |
pi_OnPropValueSet |
Receives notification that the value has been updated
(Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
PropertyIsSaveable |
Determines if a device property has been marked as needing to be saved
(Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
RunCommand |
This runs a CommandState command. This is used to change a property value, or can be a custom command for this device
(Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
SetContrast |
this is used for setting the contrast on movies and other tiems where the contrast does not change much, but speed is essential.
(Inherited from Camera.) | |
SetCore | Overloaded. | |
SetDeviceProperty |
Sets the value of the device property. All values must be strings as this is the protocol set by micromanager. If the device is busy, then this will wait until the device is ready to accept commands
(Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
SetExposure |
Sets exposure of offical camera
(Inherited from Camera.) | |
SetPropUI |
Connects the default property listing GUI to this device. The properties are automatically loaded into the prop list.
(Inherited from MMDeviceBase.) | |
SetROI | (Inherited from Camera.) | |
SnapFrame |
Just pulls the image from micromanager
(Overrides Camera..::.SnapFrame()()().) | |
SnapOneFrame |
A convience method that can get an image from SnapFrame, adjust the contrast and then display image
(Inherited from Camera.) | |
StartFocusMovie |
Begins a independant thread that continously aquires images from the camera and displays them in the viewer.
(Inherited from Camera.) | |
StartSequence |
Runs the camera in streaming mode
(Overrides Camera..::.StartSequence(Int32, Double, Boolean).) | |
StopDevice |
Close this device for quiting. Will try to stop a focus movie and sequence
(Inherited from Camera.) | |
StopFocusMovie |
Stops the focus movie, if it has been started
(Inherited from Camera.) | |
ToString | (Inherited from Object.) |